Wednesday, 28 January 2009


water tank
home until 40 years ago
Another just a quarter mile away. Both lived in and farmed for at least 700 years.
The one just above had a fairly new house at the time of demolition and also a post monastic period house of worship.
Yes, we need wood and trees. We also need to let people live on their hills and mountains in
traditional ways, even if income has to be supplemented elsewhere.
Where do you find the old skills when you need them again?
This was corporate government vandalism, bulldozing homes, barns and orchards.
What was wrong with live and let live, letting farming and forestry co-exist?

mountain walk

an old hedge
looking back down Cwm Gwyddon
Mynydd Maen
mountain sky and clouds
mountain road
The sun was warm, the breeze gentle and the sound of traffic and sirens far away

yesterday's cycle ride

the clouds lifted, soI ventured on my bike. However it was still cold and the wind was cutting.
so back along the canal I went to try for shelter from the wind!

road to nowhere?
looking up Cwm Sirhywi...misty and cold
then back home and the trees still misty

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

inspiration for knitting

The allotments are still cold, but last summer I saw some residents
who are quite inspiring....still testing patterns, need to get on with my socks!

still no kitchen...

I will have cupboards on the wall, I will have shelves....soon...honest...

Saturday, 24 January 2009


Perhaps that should be...find someone who WILL !

look for the silver lining

Friday, 23 January 2009


It is said one should not wait, one should one does, and gets as far as one is able....then what?
The Carpenter is away with work for nearly three to go.
The Oily one is also away and hopefully will be counting beans soon...which will also be taking him away.
The Geek Wizzard needs to find why this computer has stopped talking to my camera.
Guess what...he is also away!!

It is also said if you want something done, do it yourself....or find someone else who can!!

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

yesterday's walk, Cwm Gwyddon, part1

yesterday's walk, part 2


Traditional Appledore pattern. The fisherman's name used to be knitted into the bottom rib....
just in case...

testing, testing...ready for socks

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Monday, 19 January 2009

still waiting..

Last night was cold and clear. Now it is cold wet and windy, with the sort of rain that thoroughly soaks you in seconds. Just the day for the heater in the car to decide to die slowly!

I still wait for the kitchen, the cupboards sitting forlornly half made.

But not to despair- this is a day to savour yesterday's work...a tidy house, fresh home-made bread and fresh home-made marmalade.

Saturday, 17 January 2009