Friday 1 December 2017

Ayr today

Looking out towards Aran. I wonder why it has that name...Aran means bread....

The chill is easing for the weekend , but no doubt where we're going will have snow underfoot if not on the roads. Still worth it to see friends, though if the weather turns unfriendly we wont hang around.  As the saying goes...
"stay rubber side down" !

I've made one batch of fruit's foray into town was for more sugar and fruit for further making, as well as a bargain mouli to save work while making apple butter. 
The apples we were paid with for one job are gradually being juice next week!


Joanne Noragon said...


Pam said...

Arran, surely?

gz said...

Pam, you're right..still wonder if there is a linguistic connection....