Saturday 2 June 2018

Before the rain...

Cutting a lawn that had been so wet last year, that it had been still too wet until we had a dry May...

One way to bring on two hours of heavy rain with Thunder and Lightning as a sideshow....


Jenny Woolf said...

Almost too pretty to cut with those buttercups. Still, I know it has to be done....

Avus said...

And I thought my lawn looked long! Still, the wild flowers look pretty.

I have now got it under control, but it needs mowing once a week to keep it tame.

Zhoen said...

Lots of green for the compost.

Barbara Rogers said...

we had opposite nights apparently...after a week of rain and floods, finally was quiet last night, and the moon woke me at 4:30 for the first time in special treat was the low humidity with cool clean air! But your veggies will love it!

Julia said...

I cut mine today too though it was a great deal shorter and more manageable!
Hate cutting grass but I hate it when it's messy so...

goatman said...

plink . . . grass?not grass? Hello to you, and the best.