Saturday 23 January 2021

Print progress

 This evening I have been trying to remember how to add to my website...then severely editing images to get them on the newspost isn't much, but it took well over an hour!

Hopefully I will remember next time! The aim is to add something at least twice a week...which is also incentive to do more drawing and printing!newspost, I am not moving that....enough battling with IT on a smallish touch screen for one day!!


Anna said...

great design.. can almost hear the wind in those trees.

Steve Reed said...

Maybe you just need a more conventional keyboard computer. I can't blog on a small touch-screen either. (Well, I CAN, but I hate it.)

gz said...

I hope to get my laptop back soon Steve!

Michèle Hastings said...

Beautiful lino block! Do you use the softer material? I haven't done any in years and have been thinking about trying the softer sheets.

gz said...

I have tried the softer sort, Miche.. couldn't get the I stick to the old stuff and if it's a bit stiff, warm it by sitting on it..just right as you shouldn't get it too hot!!

Michèle Hastings said...

Good to know that softer sheets won't as precise. The last block I did, I used a heating pad to warm it up!