Wednesday 20 April 2022

Another funeral..

 And two hour's easy driving to get there..apart from getting a bit lost in a town I lived in over twenty years ago!!

Almost standing room only in the Adams funeral home...note, please only one "d"....and the first song played was "I'm on the Highway to Hell"....his family knew his taste of music...he was a great and talented character and athlete and cyclist...went on to one of the live recordings made of Frank Sinatra singing "My Way"... So a sad and happy occasion.

At the bunfight after in the local golf club I was sure that I recognised some friends from the 70s....and the 90s....but didn't say anything!! Neither did they, but you could see that look saying I think I know you...but having never seen you in non cycling clothes!!

It is good here, having relaxed down time with my brother, no pressure on either side to join in and do stuff...but still doing some things together.


Frex said...

Condolences on the loss of a friend--brilliant choice for first song--funny and personal!

Recognizing people out of context is so baffling--especially these days if they're wearing a mask--I didn't recognize a coworker on the city bus!

Easy does it.

XO Fresca

kjsutcliffe said...


Joanne Noragon said...
