Saturday 1 October 2022

Preserving for Winter

 Freezing and drying started, loose rasberries to be packed in a box when frozen. 

Two medium bags of runner beans are in the freezer as well, as with the change of weather fewer are growing. I am leaving the rest to ripen and hope to have enough to grow next year as well as eat as beans, not the whole pod.

Today it has been Washing Machine weather....showers, wind, more work indoors, plus collecting some old tongue and groove panelling from a neighbour. This will go over the insulation in my workshop and make shelving and cleaning easier!!

The garden is looking decidedly battered by the wind and rain and I don't know if we will have many sweetcorn cobs worth eating.  It was supposed to be a shorter variety, , but looks as if it wants to outdo the sunflowers!!

Pirate has started setting up the turbo trainers in the back bedroom...this winter we don't want to get overweight and unfit!! Preserving our health!!


Barbara Rogers said...

Lovely little berries turning to ice...I can imagine eating one right now. Yes, end of garden years is always some dragging along things.

Aimz said...

Windy weather is the best kind of weather to dry washing, I've had alot out here lately with the spring breeze.

Marjorie said...

Clever idea to freeze the raspberries like that.

Debby said...

It never would have occurred to me to freeze the berries like that. I got very fortunate...a friend had a glut of beans. She had canned all she wanted and still the garden was producing beans. She asked me to take them. I didn't need them but... Long story short, I have 22 bags of beans in the freezer. It has been a good year. We expect to add at least two venison before it is all said and done. We may not have a huge variety, but we will be fed. It is a good feeling, isn't it?

Joanne Noragon said...

I've always packed loose fruit flat in bags and frozen on cookie sheets. Your method never occurred to me.

gz said...

I would usually do that Joanne....but freezer space is at a premium and it was the only space available, for now!!

smartcat said...


Steve Reed said...

Maybe "shorter" is a relative term. Corn in the USA grows VERY tall.

Zhoen said...

That's what I need to do next year for the blackberries and raspberries.

Sandy said...

Whew, you've been busy. It's a busy time of the year. I don't have veggies to deal with, but the amount of yard clean up needed seems to be more every year...I think it's my age that makes it seem more each year, lol.