Thursday 13 October 2022

Too busy...

 Too busy to write!!

Getting tickets bought, now trying to tie all the ends off, get jobs done, apples pressed, juice processed...

Pirate has been busy working out how to get the workshop weatherproof...

So a trip out was welcome....and he needs to ride the boards every six months to keep his accreditation.

Man at speed!!


Susan Heather said...

Are you travelling again?

Joanne Noragon said...

And it's always good to leave home for new parts to look at for a few days!

Debby said...

Tickets????! What have I missed?

gz said...

Hope to see you in the New Year, Susan! South Island from the end of November.

Steve Reed said...

So you're going back to NZ! Awesome!

Fresca said...

Oh! You can travel again! How exciting.
Inspired by YOU, I picked a few apples off the ground from the yard I told you about, the one with a sign inviting people to pick their apples.
Not prime eating, I will put them in soup. (I like their sweetness in soup.)

gz said...

Fresca they are good in soup! Sometimes a slightly tart apple can balance the sweetness of some root veg