Sunday 7 July 2019

Sunday off

A day out to the seaside at icecream, sand or chips...just homemade rolls.
Followed by a brief visit to friends before they had an evening out..and a promise to visit again.

Meanwhile the bread had been slowly rising...The sourdough starter overnight then the bread over the day as we went out...and baked with supper.

Pirate went for a walk after supper...and I forewent the pleasure of his company to use the vacuum cleaner...keeping the dust down for his eyes.

We have another beautiful sunset over the Clyde tonight....looking from left to right...

Pirate is looking distinguished...


smartcat said...

The bread looks successful and delicious.
I must say the Pirate looks well named!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

That bread does look so good!

jo(e) said...

Just looking at that bread makes me hungry.