Wednesday 13 November 2019


I have chosen nine books from the collection..I will use them and cherish them.

Perhaps I should look at my own collection and wonder how many could be passed on to another good home.
I keep on trying, but they are all good old friends, holding useful information, good memories and all cry out to be kept!

In move after move in the past twenty years I have had to reduce their number, but I still seem to have a lot...


Fresca said...

Don't prune back too drastically!

Fresca said...

P.S. What nine books did you choose, may I ask?

Catalyst said...

I am sure you chose well.

Joanne Noragon said...

I have divested myself of hundreds of books, and about a dozen travel with me.

Susan Heather said...

When I moved in with Doug we both had to give books away but seem to be collecting more as time goes by.

Avus said...

I know what you mean about personal books. Some of mine have not been read for years, but they greet me as I look along the shelves and memories prick up.

When my daughter-in-Oz lost her whole home in a bush fire the insurance allowed them to rebuild, but she lost all her books. She came over for a much needed break during the rebuild and I offered her the pick of my shelves (we have similar tastes), saying "Take absolutely anything. I would rather know that they are all loved by you in Oz than that they were dispersed after I go". We ended up with a lorry coming to take 7 large box fulls for shipment.(and rows of empty shelves staring back at me)

I must admit I replaced some of them - it is so much easier these days with the internet. But usually these days I buy my books on Kindle. So easy to read, especially when eating and you can take your whole library with you wherever you go. Convenient and portable, yes, but there is something about books, their feeling and smell, the act of turning over the pages, that will always make them superior.

The Padre said...

I Can Relate - School Books Are So Darn Heavy As Well - Also, Love The Garden Set Up And The Water Catchment System Is Brilliant - Well Done
