Saturday 23 January 2021


 It's a good thing that we got the fleabay sales off in the post yesterday! 

I managed to buy the last sourdough loaf from the Mossgiel Snug too. It would be good to be back making my own, but I have enough to do, and if we can keep a local small business going that is sourcing from other small businesses....that is good.

Ice and snow today, so the only place we are going is to get our weekly newspaper.

We have been gifted two sets of walking crampons and it looks like they are needed today.


Barbara Rogers said...

What a lovely rainbow...though snow and ice is something we could all miss as we wish to move around. Crampons sound like a good way to walk on ice!

Steve Reed said...

That's a really nice rainbow! Hope you cope OK with the ice and snow. We're getting cold temps here but I'm sure nothing like yours.

Catalyst said...

Lovely rainbow.

Susan Heather said...

Lovely rainbow - everything looks brighter under it.

Joanne Noragon said...

Wonderful pictures.