After the storm...nothing blew away thankfully...we woke to a little snow on the ground.
What better than to go and watch a cyclo-cross, supporting a friend who was riding!
We went to Rouken Glen, beside Giffnock in Glasgow. This is the fifth time they have run this event, and the fourth time that they have had snow!!
There were three races and a total of three hundred riders...B race in which our friend (in the blue top) was racing and got 8th, the women's race and the A race.
I liked the alternative podium!
It seems to be the fashion to put jackets on dogs!! Ok if they are unwell or very old I suppose......
I think I would like to return in the summer!! There is a big garden centre there with a decent sized café, and the whole lot is on East Renfrewshire council ground.
If nothing else the garden centre wouldn't be overrun by Christmas tat and fir trees in plastic netting jackets!!.
Since the evening, Pirate's toothache has been seriously bothering him. I think that it is a tooth that has been grumbling for a long time and that has been pulling his health down a tad, as I would expect. Naturally he doesn't want to lose it...who would....but it sounds like an abscess, so it should come out! I think that is one anchor for a bridge which complicates matters and he is against getting false teeth.
I think that they are not the end of the world, they are considerably cheaper than the alternative and won't be pulling his health down...but it is his decision.
I am just looking forward to seeing the back of the bear with a sore head!!