Friday 7 January 2022

Getting out

 We woke to weather warnings....and they were right...

And within five minutes it arrived!

Starting fine. Then large flakes...but just before lunch it eased off and we headed out for a legstretch on Pirate's usual route.

We saw bluetits and sparrows, a tree creeper and wrens. No dippers or wagtails, the river was still quite high.

As we came back up the field, the clouds lifted

Goat Fell, with snow right down to sea level.

More showers are coming over

At present the sun is bright and warm....from indoors!! There is a chill breeze creeping around my feet as I write...the back door doesn't fit perfectly. Not ideal as heating costs rise.  Still, our rent is low....swings and roundabouts!!


Steve Reed said...

I bought a "door snake" to seal off the space beneath our front door. It's not perfect but it works pretty well. Those clouds look quite forbidding!

Joanne Noragon said...

Another vote for door snakes. Especially at this old house where a puppy even ate a corner off one door.

Aimz said...

Nice! I like those days

smartcat said...


Elderberry-Rob said...


Catalyst said...

OMG, is it only January? I am so wishing for Spring.

Debby said...

I saw a picture of a house where there was actually a curtain rod above the door. In cold weather a heavy curtain was pulled across the door to stop the chill. We use a door snake here.

gz said...

We have door snakes..and a door curtain at the front door. I am looking for a rising pole which raises one end as you open the door... It is attached by the hinge side of the door and is hinged..and the other end which is attached to the other side of the rear of the door rises somehow to clear the curtain from the floor...

The bike shed said...

What is it they say about there being no such thing as bad weather, only wrong closing? That said, I'm looking forward to a brighter weather soon.

Jenny Woolf said...

My friend who was good at sewing made heavy lined curtains to hang over the front and back doors of her draughty old cottage they worked briliantly to keep it warm. I don't know where she got the fabric but suspect jumble sale or charity shop and then cut down.