Tuesday 31 May 2022

A long day

 A view of the Clyde...the one time of the day that you can properly pick out where it is!

A beautiful sunset after a long day..wood buying, head scratching, trying to make an extension that is square. And finding that the building that you are adding it to is not!!

I think that we have cracked the problems....and tomorrow after some calculations, we get even more wood!!


The Weaver of Grass said...

I look forward to seeing it all finished.

gz said...

So do we Weave...it is years overdue!!

Bathwater said...

I had to look up the Clyde. Now I know it is a river in Scotland. I would hate trying to square up to an uneven wall. That would be stretching my skills.

Aimz said...

Im guessing that's quite common with older buildings.