We had an evening wander down our favourite hedgerow..the crabapples and wild pears are not quite ready..another week or so? Possibly another fortnight for the apples that we forage for juicing.
And for a change blogger didn't reverse the picture order!!
It was a lovely evening, although the midgies were beginning to bite!
What we did find was a largish boxworth of ripe sloes (now in the freezer) and masses of small dark plums..possibly damsons..at a derelict croft near here.
So far today I have bottled the elderberry (plus a few other series) cordial made yesterday and now need to deal with the plums... possibly more chutney as that is proving a welcome gift...and I need some for our larder as well!!
The birds are slowly returning here, but the heat and drought has decimated the populations. We have starlings, magpies and gulls, but very few blackbirds. A robin showed his face yesterday, and we saw a couple of bluetits and great tits in the hedgerows..but far fewer than usual.