Friday, 18 November 2022



Despite the rain, progress is being made. 

The tender plants are in the kitchen, and we have done half the runway extension.

Then we will be able to have our car right back and on concrete slabs when our friends comes to stay. They both have 23 foot long vans..good thing they don't both come at the same time!!

The workshop extension now has guttering both sides and the water is being directed away from the building. One side goes into an old wheelie bin for now, but there will be water butts both sides next year.

We have had a bucketful of rain overnight and everything is sodden. Luckily today's yellow and orange weather warnings are over on the East of Scotland. Not lucky for them. 


Fresca said...

Looking good... That's a lot of work!

smartcat said...


Debby said...

That is a lot of work, esp. to make it level. I've never seen it done like that. Here we dig it all out, pour in gravel, tamp it and then pour concrete atop of it. The concrete is delivered in big cement mixing trucks. Is it hard to make those heavy slabs level. You did such an excellent job of it, but it seems like it would be dreadfully hard work maneuvering the slabs into proper position. So curious!!!