Sunday, 17 November 2024


 Instead of one long blog post I am doing three!!

Today's steady job has been sorting the kitchen....apart from going for a walk before getting the jags (flu and COVID) at the village community room.

So here is the evidence!!

Step one....with encouragement via WhatsApp with my daughter!!

Most of the whisky boxes folded and in the with packing materials upstairs. 

I'm keeping the kettle up there to use on the workshop stove.

The Highdome pressure cookers just need the safety valve, then I can bottle fruit instead of freezing it all. Unfortunately when Prestige changed hands, that valve changed shape and dimensions...I have a new rubber gasket , but no use without the valve. The ones I bought purporting to be the old style, weren't.   I think I will hang fire on that. A new stainless steel one costs £45-£60...and if I can find a second hand one....

The other corner has been done, I'm happy with that...drinks corner!

Plastic storage boxes sorted and all the odd boxes and lids are in the recycling bucket.  Just the baking shelves to do many tins and trays do I keep?!

Yes, Tom....thanks for the nudge! Now I have to keep rolling, room by room. 

It will get easier when I've sold the bikes that I don't need. 


angela said...

Your really powering through the decluttering
I really hope you sell those bikes soon

Debby said...

WHOA!!! Look at you go!!!! Somebody lit yer skirt on fire? Good job though. I am impressed!

Something that I was going to ask they have pot hangers there? Those are useful for clearing up counter clutter and making room in cupboards. They hang from the ceiling like so:

You can store the lids a top, and perhaps that will free up a cabinet for you?

Jeanie said...

Oh, don't you hate it when they change owners or whatever and the parts you need are no longer available. Been there. Hated it!

gz said...

That is something to think of....

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Things are starting to look very ship-shape now!

Susan said...

All your work shows great order. A place for everything and everything in its' place. Once all the rooms are done, you will have a perfectly organized home.

Barbara Rogers said...

So great to see hard work that will give you space to do more work. Wait, work in order to work? Mmm, that's efficiency for you.

gz said...

It won't last !! But there will be more usable room

gz said...

Work so that when I want to do something I don't have to spend hours "clearing the decks"!!

JayCee said...

I had the same problem with my old Prestige pressure cooker. The pot is fine and I have spare gaskets but the valve broke. I had to buy a new pressure cooker but I keep the old one as it is such a good solid pan for general soup making.

Tigger's Mum said...

High dome pressure cooker - I have one too and it too needs a new pressure release valve. Bother if I can't get them now. Even when living in UK I used to get the seals sent from Auckland. Hadn't realized they have changed ownership.

gz said...

Do you mean the small safety valve or the weighted pressure thing?

Steve Reed said...

Good progress! I'm sure you have mixed emotions about the clearing out but it will be nice to have more open space.