Friday, 29 November 2024

Staying indoors

 I dislike staying indoors all day...but....

I woke again at 8am (there are some interesting programmes on in the wee small hours, especially by 5am!) it was so grey and dull compared to the past few mornings.

So I missed the recycling big deal, I don't have much in the recycling bucket stack.

I planned to go for a walk before the wind got up again...did my French practice..then as I made a cuppa in the kitchen I missed a name but the number was half familiar... eventually I received another call and it was from a friend that I haven't seen for years..last time we did a trip through North Wales near where I used to live..she had met Pirate on that trip...and like everywhere he made a lasting impression. She hadn't realised that he had died...

We ended up chatting and catching up for about 1½ least !!

So next year must have a north Wales many friends to see there.

As I had my belated lunch the clouds roll in and the wind started whistling around the house again...

One job to be done outside...lift the last of this year's red beetroot..there are a few yellow left to come yet.

Then get on with cleaning a couple of chainrings to sell, as the next loaf baked...I'm trying the middle sized loaf this time. After that finished, time for the turbo..

Just over nine miles in 35 minutes...and the resistance up to 3 for the last 15 minutes...

The knack is to have the radio on and concentrate on that!! 

I'm not keen on it...but if it means better sleep and a healthier fitter me...I'll keep at it.


Cathy said...

Don’t think I’d be going out in that either!

Red said...

Sometimes weather has a tight control on us.

angela said...

I love those unexpected phone calls from long lost friends. How lovely

Tom said... was a good indoor day, it was chilly and windy.

Susan said...

Some cold grey days are best indoors. Your beets look lovely. Delicious.

Debby said...

Holy cow, GZ...that's quite a workout. You make me ashamed! Your inside day was far more productive than mine. I did get a nice pot of soup made, and I baked bread too. I got a bag of clothing donated. And I got my hair cut. Whoot.

Jeanie said...

That sounds like a super full day! High on the productive end! Well done. Oh,and thanks for sending the link on the Cream derailler/Disraeli title. I had no idea!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Always lovely to catch up with an old friend, isn't it!