Thursday, 30 January 2025

Carrying on

 Yesterday I gave a hand shifting beds and mattresses...this place will be full for the masters games!  Another afternoon nap before I rode over to our coach's home for a club spin session..

I just turned my legs over.. still tired..but the chatting before and after the session, and a cuppa and garlic bread after is all part of it!

Today has been showery all day.. hopefully getting the rain over before the games!!

I walked into some ready cash and rewarded my 3 kg loss with a hot chocolate and a muffin...with yoghurt of course!

Then back "home" to dry off and do some drawing..

Before an early-ish night... listening to the rain dripping....

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

A ride..with mountains

 Typical!..I do the usual....and blogger decided to put the photos in reverse!

Taranaki in view
Love it!
Bus stop...drink and eat before returning 

♥️ The same age as me...and in better condition!!

Look at the postbox....


I haven't been up either tower..

Pirate took my camera up this one years ago!

Not for bikes!...not the stairs!! But there is a stairs competition in the Masters Games....

This is why I took the elevator.....and I should have taken it down as well as up! I'm not good at downhill either!!

Anyway, I did 32km...20 miles..with camera stops, mainly on the way out. It's the most I've ridden in two years....and it's great to get back to it!.... But I did have a good afternoon nap, before walking to the velodrome to see friends then going to the quiz at d our team was second for the second week running!

Monday, 27 January 2025


 After yesterday's rain, it was windy to a walk after the wind had abated a little....UP Wairere Road....

And going down a path...

I picked up something to draw again, but I'm not satisfied.... better specimens needed and an I D,  I think.