Monday, 27 January 2025


 After yesterday's rain, it was windy to a walk after the wind had abated a little....UP Wairere Road....

And going down a path...

I picked up something to draw again, but I'm not satisfied.... better specimens needed and an I D,  I think.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

That walk would give your legs a good workout!

Fresca said...

Mystery vegetation!

Barbara Rogers said...

That was definitely a big hill! Loved seeing the different views as you went along!

Elderberry-Rob said...

lovely to see you drawing - future lino prints perhaps? stay safe on your travels. Beetty

smartcat said...


Tom said...

...if there is an uphill, there's a downhill!

Debby said...

Thank you for that little glimpse of leaves and green and birds chirping. Good for the soul, isn't it?

Red said...

A good walk gives you many photo opportunities.

Tigger's Mum said...

I'm stumped by the plant you are drawing. Do you know what it is?

gz said...

It will be from one of the pines... possibly the Norfolk Island Pine?