Tuesday, 4 December 2012


Yesterday I went to the Arts Society in Te Aroha- there were about half a dozen women there, not so many as usual as it is nearing the end of term, and next week they will be hanging the christmas exhibition of paintings.

Various media were being used, oil, watercolour, oil pastels and acrylics, and I did a drawing in ink and pencil of the view through the front window. Surprisingly most members seem to be originally from the British Isles, and all have been here at least twenty years. However they are all of the lend a hand and share mentality, not the do it the British way wherever we are sort!!

While I was doing that, The Pirate walked to the top of the mountain with T's labrador dog!!
He had good phone signal on the way up, so I knew of his progress...but signal disappeared on the way down....a combination of the company and the clouds. (my signal was fine)

He couldn't tell me that it was steeper than he remembered at the top...so it was a good thing that I wasn't with him!!     He couldn't tell me that he was having problems with his reactolite spectacles-as soon as he went back under trees he couldn't see.
He couldn't tell me he was taking much more time coming down than expected.....so I was sitting in the Domain (park) for an hour longer than expected....more sandfly bites on my legs.

We both slept well last night...and the dog did too!!


Cro Magnon said...

You probably won't want to come back home!

gz said...

Cro, I don't- but if you overstay, when you're caught, you can NEVER come back again....
At least I can come back again.....

Joanne Noragon said...

It's been years since I've had polarized lenses. The transition from blazing sun to low light is frustrating. But I gave them up when lenses went plastic and the glasses didn't darken in a car.

smartcat said...
