Monday 7 October 2019


The red onion marmalade has turned out a real autumnal colour..I changed from the usual cider vinegar to red wine vinegar..and it worked!
Pirate peeled 3kg of red onions..and I chopped them..a good way to clear one's sinuses!
We have been foraging in between showers and have gathered several large strong shopping bags full of tree ripened apples.
I don't think that there has been a cottage in this corner of the community woodland, so it must just be a bird sown pippin.
The apples are crisp and sweet enough to eat, but sharp enough to be good keepers if not bruised.

Next year we will have to go with my apple picker before they fall, but this year I am juicing...16 bottles so far, just under 8 litres.
I am wondering how much I need to make to last a year?

I process them as you would bottles of cordial, in a tall pan of cold water up to their necks with the cap a quarter turn opened.
Then raise up to 190 F and hold for 20 minutes as it gently goes "blup blup...." Out of the pan, close tightly the cap and immediately wrap PVC electricians insulation tape around the cap and neck to ensure a seal.
Cool on its side to ensure the inside of the cap is also sterilised.and you can see instantly if there is a leak of air into the bottle. When cool, I dip the cap and neck in melted candlewax.

I have not long since drunk the last of last year's apple juice, so it is good to know that this works! Also good to know that it's one less thing to go in the deep freeze and rely on a constant supply of electricity.

Today the Pirate is joining in on a session on Glasgow way to ride your bike in the warm and dry!
This morning the weather was blowing fiercely after yet another night of rain and gales.  As we left, the lights were flickering...and I felt glad that more of my store cupboard is filling with jars and bottles...
I need more bottles and jars...!!


Steve Reed said...

It's interesting to hear about that process. I've never in my life canned any food, but maybe if and when we Brexit I'll need to learn! LOL

Joanne Noragon said...

Good job, preserving in glass! Good luck finding more jars.

Fresca said...


Maria said...

I'm enjoying seeing and hearing about all you're preserving. i wasn't familiar with that way of preserving apple juice (jam has so far been my limit...)

Bea said...

-a very autumnal color, indeed!

I have never attempted making apple juice. How nice it must be not to have to purchase any from the market.

Catalyst said...

Wow! I remember my parents canning lots of things in the fall that we would then have to eat all winter long but I don't think their process was as fancy
as yours.

gz said...

I don't think it's fancy Cat...just that if you try and be exact with the temperature and times you are less likely to have losses. Re-using bottles and jars makes you more careful too, with cleaning and sterilisation and process as well.