Monday 17 February 2020

Another day

Another day of cold, wet and windy.
Walking down the hill to collect the car after its MoT check it sounded as if there was a heavy surf behind the was a hail squall!
Today hasn't been very constructive, but I have double "glazed" the kitchen windows and one of the bike room windows with window film.
Pirate adjusted the rubber seal on one of the kitchen windows, as it 'sings' when we get wind on the back of the house. The back door needs adjusting as well, but that job needs more help and heft than I can add.

We are both feeling the jetlag a little, adjusting our body clocks to being this side of the world. Also tired because we are using extra energy to stay warm!

Plans are brewing for our next travels to see friends, and to see friends and family. However the present weather and flooding makes one wonder what travelling will be like...what roads will still be affected...and what is the long term weather forecast!
We have heard from most friends and family that they are fine and dry, but some we are still waiting to hear...


Catalyst said...

Climate change is really kicking in this winter (or summer, depending on where you are.)

Joanne Noragon said...


Aimz said...

Was it much of a shock coming back to the cold? It's still dry here.

Steve Reed said...

I've thought about you in this miserable weather. We've had it relatively mild in London, I think. And it's wetter here than I've seen it in a long time!