Sunday 1 March 2020

The Ivor Ride

This is looking towards the Beauly Firth from the event hq this afternoon as across some very soggy fields.
We rode up the southerly bank of the river Beauly to just past the confluence with the Farrar...then back along the North bank.
Over eighty riders took part, about twenty doing the shorter ride like us. We got left behind quite quickly, but we were being followed by  the Broom no worries!!
Further east down the Beauly Firth towards the sea the A9 heads north from Inverness across its mouth over the Kessoch Bridge.

Back home now. Tired after the ride and all the driving....but it was a beautiful ride in the sun and light breeze (for a change!) and raised money for a good cause while remembering a great person.


Andrea Ingram said...

well done. we were with you in spirit

Susan Heather said...

Looking back I see you have done a few rides in honour of Ivor. A good cause.

Sandy Miller said...

Quite a view! Good to be home! Have been following the floods in Monty Dons gardens, so much water!

Aimz said...

Always good to be in the outdoors with fresh air.

Steve Reed said...

Thank goodness for the change in the weather!

Catalyst said...


Lettice said...

Morning! Well, I honestly can’t believe it has taken me this long to twig you have a blog... worrying or what? Your comment on my yesterday’s post tipped me off! I will now be a regular visitor and will enjoy reading about you and your world.