Wednesday 9 September 2020

September garden

 A garden day yesterday, grabbing the chance between showers.

Moving the tomatoes out, there were a few possible signs of blight on leaves and the space was needed . What moved in were the squash plants growing in plastic crates. The gherkins and yellow courgettes/zucchini are cropping slowly but steadily...and the single Aubergine/Eggplant has decided to get growing...a bit late in the season!

Pirate's runner beans have started flowering again after a couple of warm days, but there hasn't been a massive amount of pollenation in that bed. None atall in the three outdoor tomato gone..and we are crossing fingers for the sweetcorn. Pirate made a sad discovery this afternoon...loads of caterpillars on the kale. We need insects, but...!!


Susan Heather said...

You weren't exaggerating when you said loads of caterpillars. What a shame.

Steve Reed said...

Well, some of your garden looks good, anyway! Too bad about the caterpillars. Our Solomon's seal occasionally gets infested with a kind of sawfly, and although I am loath to kill anything in the garden I do kill those little caterpillars.

Zhoen said...
