Saturday 31 October 2020



I got a shot of the almost full moon...attempting to take it through binoculars but failing! Even with the naked eye she was beautiful.
Work is progressing steadily, and with the Celtic New Year/Halloween storms it is definitely indoor work . Yesterday I was accompanied by a hibernating Tortoiseshell butterfly, fooled by the central heating into thinking that Spring had arrived...

The weekend shopping trip has been postponed until tomorrow...we can do without the Saturday treat of a newspaper as well! 

Politics is getting messier everywhere and the news is depressing. 

 It looks like Scotland's covid area restrictions are beginning to work, with the percentage of positive tests halving and the rise in numbers easing.  So many not concerned for themselves, let alone other people.
We are just carrying on being careful, keeping contact just to a  necessary level and wary at that.
Where would we be without phones and internet and the postal services?
Meanwhile , I have three birthday cards to send, before I mislay them somewhere safe, and presents to think of..I prefer to send Unbirthday presents throughout the year..after all you have 364 of them every year!! So just a card on the day..


kjsutcliffe said...

our weather is wild and wilful, perfect for this time of year. The moon has been veiled by cloud, hoping to see her tonight.

Yes politics and politicians seem to have lost the plot and appear to be constantly back tracking and contradicting themselves.
Samhain blessings x

Zhoen said...

Glad your risk is lower these days. Survive.

Joanne Noragon said...

I'm working on moon pictures tonight. Pretty cloudless.

Catalyst said...

I love that the butterfly followed you into the house and lit on your work table.

Catalyst said...

And I Googled Samhain to see what it meant. Thanks for opening my eyes.

Aimz said...

I think with covid staying safe and being careful is about all you can do. We couldn't see the full moon here, too many clouds.

Steve Reed said...

Beautiful butterfly! Is it going to live indoors all winter?