Wednesday 7 July 2021

Garden day

 No dashing anywhere today...planting out, potting on plants that will go in as soon as the garlic is harvested. Sowing seeds too.. carrots, beetroot, spring onions...I forgot the radishes!!

Then harvesting fruit..thinning gooseberries and picking a rather thin crop of blackcurrants, which are now in a crumble pie!!


Catalyst said...

I'd say you both deserve a quiet day at home after the past few days.

molly said...

So many advantages to a moderate climate!

Joanne Noragon said...

Garden day is good day.

Amy said...

Hope you're having good enough Summer weather there with flowers like that.

Debby said...

A day spent in the garden is not wasted, is it?

I cannot wait to be eating food from mine.