Tuesday 24 August 2021

This and that...

 We had a walk late on Sunday afternoon...it was so clear!

Starlings queueing up to roost.

,The meadow lawn has been mown... successful so far, first time back as a meadow after sixty years and more as a lawn!

The garden is nice and lush! Tomatoes and squash steadily ripening, peas being picked..and bringing a new flush of flowers! The runner beans have started producing...at last.

The frame is a cabbage cage... hopefully the crop won't be decimated by munching caterpillars....

The full moon looked like this to the tablet...but really it was like this...

To the eye it looked a deep orange!

And tonight's sunset, equally dramatic...was a bit more pink to the eye.

'night all!! Xx


Susan Heather said...

Garden is looking good and hazelnuts - yummy.

Joanne Noragon said...

A lovely sketch of the moon.

Catalyst said...

Nice photos.

Barbara Rogers said...

Great shots of your walk/gardens. Yes, cameras seem to always kind of dull down pretty colors. So I'm glad there are artists around like you to capture true colors!

The Weaver of Grass said...

I love that last picture.