Saturday 12 February 2022

A bit of winter


At least the days are getting longer...the showers are cold and hard, but we caught an hour mostly dry at dusk. We could just see Arran...and it looked as if they were getting a heavy shower.
The new mitts are growing slowly. Last time I used the pattern I turned a flat pattern to one knitted in the round...I can't find where I wrote the changes.....So this time I am recording it as I go!

I am not complaining about the wintery weather. As the climate changes, we aren't having enough of it and when it does come it is short sharp and destructive.  Flowers are a month to six weeks ahead, birds are getting twitterpated, and even have fledglings if we do get some real winter weather you can imagine what will happen.


kjsutcliffe said...

I have a note book I kept when I started at the walled garden last year and on average we are six weeks ahead, so if we do get a 'proper' snap, things are going to be hammered.

Zhoen said...

I would welcome more winter, particularly wet winter. So dry here.

Susan Heather said...

It will be interesting to see how our weather is affected in winter. We survived ex-cyclone Dori but they are being hit hard further south.

Catalyst said...

May your winter be brief.

Colette said...

"Twitterpated" is a new word for me. I quite like it. I also like the color of those mittens you are knitting. I can't imagine knitting something so complex. For some reason knitting escapes me. I just can't get the tension right with my hands.

molly said...

Our winter here has been colder than usual but then what we consider 'cold' would be a heatwave in other parts of the country or world We like it as it makes it seem like we have actual seasons instead of never-ending summer. There's probably something more ominous behind it all
I read somewhere, can't remember where, that it's possible to knit two socks (maybe mittens too?) at the same time. Not sure if it meant on circular needles or four....

gz said...

Molly I think that is when you knit them flat and do two at once?

Aimz said...

Looks quite drab and cold, no wonder you are knitting some warm gloves.