Sunday 27 February 2022

Selling and making

 I was set to thinking by Betty's comment...why don't I do garage sales?

I don't think they are common around here. There is a car boot sale on Sundays at Ayr racecourse. 

For one thing at a car boot, you wont get a realistic value, as with fleabay auction, most people seem to expect to get something for pence.

Mind you some things go for silly prices...I bid realistically on something last year and the end price was more than a new item! I was glad not to get that one!

I look at the new price, and the going asking and selling prices before I set what I ask for "buy it now" with a reasonable minimum.

Another thing to consider is that I feel very uncomfortable in crowds, especially crowds of strangers.

I can manage selling my own work at a craft fair or market stall..just!

Today we have a beautiful sunny morning, so Pirate is out on his bike for an hour or so while I pack up the latest couple of sales and list a few more on Etsy...if I can find the photos!! If not that will mean taking new ones.

A load of washing is ready to go on, awaiting his return with sweaty kit..

And I have done a little more on my new mitts...doing the fingers with 20 stitches, 5 on each needle plus the active needle...and the stitches in waiting on two further like knitting with a hedgehog!! It does mean though, that when I have finished knitting, it is seams to sew, just the ends to tidy.

Coffee is needed for concentration!!


Elderberry-Rob said...

envious of your knitty expertise. Yes, garage sale probably wouldn't get big wonga - if only we still had jumble sales - we used to have them every weekend when I was a kid, but again you won't get rich selling stuff at one. Your own lovely work is far too good for those venues of course, that would be craft events in the Summer - which if Covid stays away, we should all be able to enjoy this year :)

Marjorie said...

It is a pity there are no consignment stores where you could leave your treasures for sales. More likely to find someone willing to pay a fair price for nice things.

Aimz said...

I remember garaga sales being really popular once upon a time but now i hardly ever see them, seems people prefer to sell things online instead.