Thursday 3 February 2022



This is the worst we have seen it in six years...even in the winter you see groups of up to a dozen teenagers with clinking and clanking shoulder bags heading for the woods outside our village....

When others are making so much effort to keep the rest of the village and Hannahston reserve clean....


srgb said...

I empathize with you, its the same here on the other side of the world, but then the media tells us we have to clean up the world and not leave a mess for the future generation, in NZ we have groups of oldies going around cleaning up the mess the younger generation leave, I guess the same happens where you are, I could go on but best to stop here.
Your photos are usually so good?

molly said...


Susan Heather said...

Unfortunately I think it is the same the world over. That said, I was surprised when our Whangarei council removed the rubbish bin in the park behind us and things actually improved.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Can't several of you confront them when they are doing it and ask them why? Often confrontation leads to embarrassment and it stops.

Elderberry-Rob said...

Unfortunately some young people don't value what's around them (until it's gone) it is a sad shame and also sad that they get their social interraction by swigging booze in the woods, round here we don't see that so much, they value the woods more as it's where they grow their weed and smoke their spliffs.

Debby said...

People have simply lost all respect: for each other, for the world, for themselves even. I don't understand.

Colette said...

It's the same here in Central Florida. We live at the end of a large lake, filled with alligators, ibis, egrets, gallinule, herons of several kinds, and the occasional limpkin. We go for the beauty and the wildlife, but see a whole lot of trash each time. Usually plastic this or that. SO annoying. I wonder who these people are?

Ursula said...

A lot of people (of any age) are thoughtless. Not out of malice - just thoughtless.

I have few pet peeves but being inconsiderate of others is the ONE.Littering featuring large as a sub category of not thinking further than your own nose. If I catch someone dropping a (figurative) banana skin I will, casually, ask "Who do you think will be cleaning up after you?" Of course, I say this at my most charming and a friendly smile. The results are impressive. You can see in the shamefaced eyes they literally didn't realize what they were doing. Live now, drown in rubbish later. And, yes, no one has rearranged my face (yet).


Steve Reed said...

It's amazing how lazy some people are. I think they believe "the council" will clean it up -- never mind that local governments don't have the money or personnel to go around picking up after porridgeheads.

Tom Stephenson said...

It has got worse since we were all let out of the cupboard.

Jenny Woolf said...

In the summer we go out with bags on the heath or in the local churchyard to clear up. (Both already have litter patrols.) The litter I hate is when people have finished their picnic, then just put the uneaten food and plastic and glass waste in a plastic bag and chuck it in the undergrowth.

Aimz said...

Because sadly people are lazy and it's gotten worse over the pandemic.

Zhoen said...

People not feeling like a place is theirs, so not their responsibility, not their problem. It's infuriating and sad and difficult.