Tuesday 8 March 2022

Back to Winter

 I have been doing some research about the stove we acquired...made in the Isle of Wight!

Made by the oldest surviving stove maker...Charnwood...so a phone call is called for for advice and parts.

Today we have been waiting for the slabs and oggin to arrive..late morning we were told....we know they are having vehicle problems and are short of them....but they should have phoned us...Pirate phoned them...delivery now 8am tomorrow...

Had it arrived as promised it would have avoided the return of wintery weather! As I write the gales are howling around the house and rain and hail is hammering down.

It will hopefully be dry tomorrow morning, but the gusts are forecast over 40mph again. Not ideal when the driver has to use a HIAB to lift the goods over into our back garden.

The wind has been bitter today...I am glad that I planted the onion sets in pots yesterday not straight in the earth. They are sitting safe on the staging in the greenhouse.

I will do the same with the shallots as soon as I can. We used to do this in Cwmcarn on the allotment gardens...gave them a good start and less problem with being tweaked out by a corvid beak!!


Susan Heather said...

It is so annoying when people don't tell you when deliveries are delayed. Sorry about the return of winter. Spring can't be far away.

Tom Stephenson said...

The Isle of Wight? You're lucky. Our water heater was made in Russia.

gz said...

Delivery made...and the same driver as a few years ago when we were making the base for the main workshop!
It was lorry problems...and he did a marvellous job negotiating the HIAB to place on exactly the right spot..despite the high gusty winds!

smartcat said...
