Sunday 21 August 2022

On track...then a walk

 Yesterday Pirate was part of a Masters' practice session before the national championships ..and we are back again for another four hours today! 

A series of events is run during the four hours...there are two groups, fast and...not so fast! A lot of it is practicing techniques, as unless you do a lot of travelling to race, it's easy to get a bit rusty.

Our club is well spread out so it was a good chance for a get together!

We do have more than these...not everyone could get the time or money for a weekend away. When you consider the furthest travelled this weekend was from four hours north of Glasgow. Another Scot, now living in Manchester came north for the weekend...he lives nearer than some of our members!! as the velodrome building there is being renovated and the track closed for now.

After coming home we had a walk , a bit of exercise for me and walk the riding and car sitting out of his legs. Plus a chance to review for future foraging!

Other trees look laden too

And a beautiful sky...


Sandy said...

That sky picture is amazing!! Sounds like the gathering was a good time and quite successful.

The Weaver of Grass said...

There looks plenty to forage there.

smartcat said...


Steve Reed said...

I thought of you this morning when I took a photo of all the apples that had fallen from a tree down our street. Come and get 'em!

Amy said...

That's a good group of people of different ages.

gz said...

It was Amy...the session before theirs on the Saturday was a balance bike in the track centre...age of the riders 3 to 6. On the Sunday their session was followed by a youth session, youngest age 11.
It just shows how cycling is a lifelong activity!