Wednesday 17 January 2024

Morning sun


The sun just came up above the from an apricot colored horizon we now have bright sun in a clear cold blue sky.

So that's what I see from my living room sofa as I sit warming up the room and checking emails and blogs and waiting for Pirate to feel strong enough to start the day.

Not as cold as many others..but we won't be above freezing point all day.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Keep that Pirate of yours snug and warm all day. I know Pirates are made of strong stuff but "ageing" pirates need good hot drinks and a warm room - you can tell him that from me.

Steve Reed said...

Isn't it great to have sunshine for a change?!

gz said...

I passed that on, Weave 🙂
It really is, Steve even if it means below freezing temperatures!

Tom said...

...the morning fuun is wonderful and we are seeing it today after a long absence.

kjsutcliffe said...

An enforced snow day here or rather enforced icy day - the roads were lethal this morning and when I rang to say I was going try and tiptoe home again was informed that the heating had failed and all and sundry were being sent home.
So a day of sketching and painting and keeping the cat by the woodburner company - there are 'should be done' jobs but they can wait just a little longer! Hope Pirate woke up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ❤️

smartcat said...

The sun is lovely, even if it is cold. We too are in the midst of a cold time. Still not as cold as some years. Temps are well above 0ºFAnd it may go above freezing (32ºF).
Meanwhile stay warm and enjoy the sun from the comfort of home.

Susan said...

The sunshine is brilliant on a frigid day. It really does lift the spirits. Sometimes, the cold day requires an extra cup of hot tea or coffee. Soup is on standby at my house as well. It is sunny and below freezing in Massachusetts.

Barbara Rogers said...

Beautiful sunny blue skies, but we also won't get above freezing today, tomorrow maybe.

Anonymous said...

I love that morning light. Stay warm, both of you. Hugs.

Catalyst said...

In the 50's here (F.) but for some reason it doesn't feel like it. I'm cooking pasta and red sauce and have Italian (?) music playing on the television. Maybe that will make us feel warmer.

Red said...

Nothing like a colorful sunrise to get us going for the day.

gz said...

Cat, being active helps..and good food and music even better!

Elderberry-Rob said...
