Sunday 21 April 2024

After the rain, a breath of fresh air


It has been mostly a beautiful week..a relief to get out and relax between carrying on with the tidying and sorting that we started having a real push on two years ago.

Steady progress, no rushing..the worn out shoes...the piles of till receipts...I'm glad that we had started already as doing this from scratch now would have been hard.

Then late this morning until mid afternoon it gently rained...and now it is warm, the clothes are out on the line and birds are singing.

I have met with friends at the coffee stop at the end of their cycling club run yesterday..all twenty! But they split into two groups to make it easy for other traffic and also the ability and fitness of the two groups.

They always meet at the end...which makes it easy for those who miss the run or just want to catch up with friends.

Now I have a relatively tidy living room, the next job is to sort photos and cuttings.

I need to get proper acid free albums with Glassene (sp?) between each pair of pages..

And when the mammoth job of sorting Pirate's photos has been done..I must stay on a roll and do mine!

One thing that I will do is scan all the photos and email them to every family member so that everyone has a copy Then keep the originals together in one archive instead of splitting up the whole.


jabblog said...

Good luck with the photographs. They can send you off in all sorts of directions.

Tom said...

...organizing photo isn't something that I'm good at.

Elaine said...

I find that the birdsong at this time of year really lifts the spirits. Good to know that you are keeping on keeping on. I like your idea of how to deal with the photographs.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh, Gwynneth... I am late to your news. My sincere and heartfelt condolence. These after-tasks hold great value in our grieving process. At times they can seem onerous, but they also allow proper catharsis and prompt us to remember the joyful times. Sending Love, YAM xx

DL said...

Thinking of you during this time of loss and sadness. May you be surrounded with people who care.

JayCee said...

Oof.. that sounds like a daunting task.

kjsutcliffe said...


Fresca said...

Lovely to hear the birds. ❤️

Steve Reed said...

I can understand your desire to stay busy and keep working on the projects you and Pirate began together. There is no rush, though, right? This will all be a process, as you know.

Catalyst said...

So much to do. Take it one day at a time, Gwynneth. (This time I remembered the second "n".) It will all be there when you wake on the morrow.

Debby said...

My sister scanned our family pictures. We sorted everything and organized things together and gave everyone a copy for Christmas. Those pictures will mean a great deal to everyone. Well done. You're keeping yourself busy, which is the best thing you can do for yourself right now. Hugs.

Elderberry-Rob said...

lovely birdsong, I have never been able to record ours without interruption as being 2 miles from the airport, every 3 mins a plane goes over!

Tom Stephenson said...

Ah, the shed.

gz said...

Not just The Shed....The Kiln Shed!!

Fresca said...

The kiln!!! ❤️

Susan said...

If I go slowly and methodically, devoting a bit of time to sorting/organizing, I can make good progress. It is a hard job and not my favorite. The kiln is looking good.

Bovey Belle said...

I seem to have inherited all of one aunty's photos (two small suitcases full!) - the old ones are great, but I am also custodian of the ones of her living the high life in high heels and an evening gown! Her walking photos (many Lake District ones) are good though.

I need to try and get everything organized.

I am glad you had already made a start on clearing "stuff"- we all have too much.

Marjorie said...

Well done Gwynneth. I hope you get the kiln shed up and running soon. Hugs.

Granny Sue said...

I remember the sorting out after my mother's passing. We found old family photos and realized we knew next to nothing about our ancestors. My father struggled to remember his grandparents' names. That got my sister and I started on family history, a journey that I am so glad we undertook. The sorting out after Dad passed was cathartic, really. My one sister and I spent hours, far into the night at that task. When my son died, I did the same at my house, sorting drawers and closets until the wee hours, and falling into bed exhausted. I don't understand why it helped, these weren't his things, but it did.
I have been thinking of you, and of how we go on. One step at a time, one day at a time.