Thursday 4 April 2024

Slowly does it

 Pirate had a visit from our own doctor on Tuesday...I can't take her portrait....but she arrived having had a haircut...from long red hair in a plait to a shoulder length bob!! Almost like a schoolgirl, with a leather Gladstone Bag!! She drives to work in this....

And in her time off rides a Clydesdale horse!

She approved of the medications regime we now have...and the way I have made a list to tick each dose off...a good way to keep track of that.

Our Fife friend came to stay on Wednesday, the idea being to help me in the garden...and it showered all day....with rain in between!!

Not just that, but first thing I realised that we had a gas leak!! If course within an hour then gas was officially turned off.....

We did get the deep beds moved...

Luckily the night was warmer it has been....and eventually I was successful in locating not just a plumber, but one who lives in our village!!

Today, thankfully it was a nice dry day....time join two wind battered polytunnel frames together.

Next step is to find some heavy duty pegs to anchor the frame down...

Under the white cover is the garlic patch, growing nicely thankyou.

It is a relief to get those jobs done, and two of us have done more than twice what I could have achieved on my own. 

Plus Pirate came out to supervise in his FedEx jacket and a beanie, getting some good fresh air, as the plumber and his mate came and replaced a badly soldered joint that had been done a long time ago...and had very very slowly been increasing...

We waved Fife friend off, as our favourite district nurse arrived! It was all go this afternoon.

We have missed her....seen most of the others in our local practice...but she has had we are very glad to see her back and looking well.

My turn then to have a to collect a new wet and dry vacuum cleaner from the outskirts of Ayr, get a bagful of reduced goodies from a big supermarket then hunt for heavy duty pegs... unsuccessfully....

Nice to have two hours out on my own as Pirate had a well deserved fresh air fuelled nap!


JayCee said...

It seems to be all go at your place. Good to have some help, I'm sure.

Tom said...

...our cold and rainy day makes me feel like doing as little as I can get away with.

Susan said...

You've accomplished so many tasks and help from a friend is always very much appreciated. The nurses sound excellent and Pirate seems to be improving well. Getting out on your own for some "me" time is equally important.

DB Stewart said...

Home-grown garlic: nothing better!

Susan Heather said...

Lots of good things in this post - your friend visiting and giving you a hand, Pirate getting some fresh air, the district nurse back and you having some time out. Very busy but nice to see things going forward.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Wow, your doctor came to your house! Doesn’t happen here. You had a lot to tackle with your gardening. Nothing started here ( there was snow on the ground this morning- gone now thankfully). I’d love to have a covered bed. My friend has a small greenhouse and she’s already started her tomatoes and peppers. - Jenn

Joanne Noragon said...

Not quite cooking with gas, but all go, nevertheless.

Fresca said...


angela said...

You will soon have lots of fresh veggies to enjoy

jabblog said...

It sounds like a very productive day.

Tasker Dunham said...

Gas leaks are a nightmare if you can't get them mended quickly because the gas suppliers just turn it off and leave you to it. Not helpful with an illness in the house.

northsider said...

Looking forward to see the veg garden and polytunnel progress GZ.

Debby said...

I am puzzled by the gas leak situation. Here you would have called the gas company and they would have deemed it an emergency and crews would have been sent out immediately. Sounds as if boxes are getting ticked.

gz said...

Debby what happens here is that you report a gas leak, the gas network people come within an hour and identify that you do have a leak and cut off the gas at the meter. If it is your side of the meter it is up to you to organise a gas registered plumber to sort the problem. If it is their side of the meter, Scottish Gas Network mends it ASAP.
SGN can provide a fan heater if you don't have one, and a kettle if you have no other way of heating water.

Amy said...

That's cool your doctor visits you, there is no way that would happen here.

Steve Reed said...

A gas leak! Yikes! Glad you detected it and got it solved. Along with all those other gardening-related tasks! Also glad Pirate is enjoying some fresh air.

Winters End Rambler said...

I can highly recommend the marine grade stainless steel ones from Amazon. Not cheap, but a true investment.

Winters End Rambler said...

Clothes Pegs...should have said I recommend the clothes pegs!

gz said...

Thanks for the recommendation WER...I am looking around local shops and stores first, but I may have to resort to shopping online..I do prefer to see and handle what I am buying first!!
Do you have a blog, by the way?

Catalyst said...

I am constantly amazed at your energy level and your "to-do" list and your many accomplishments. You do Pirate well and it's good to hear that he is improving day by day. Bravo to you both!

gz said...

Cat it is hard work having enough patience to help him. It is slow progress and he isn't a happy bunny.
The other things I do keep me sane...and I can't stand sitting around doing nothing!!

Terra said...

I love that your doctor rides a Clydesdale horse in her time off. You are keeping busy getting your gardens ready, it is a busy time for us gardeners. I bought a Fuji apple tree to plant soon.