Saturday, 21 December 2024

Festive Fun

 Last night was the end of season race night, for all ages and abilities...Pies and Pursuits...the Pies being mince pie prizes!

The pursuits were 8 lap (2 km) long in teams of three or four ( time taken on the third over the line) and there were also team sprints...start with three and the lead rider peels off after a lap, same again then one to finish.

And the commissaires had fun as well.....

I had to get a shot of her hat...

And the riders did too...

You can guess who won the pursuit (after several rounds)...
My club womens team

Our Transplant Star

And home late... getting back as the Weather kicked in!!


Tom said...

...and around and around they go.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Ooooo, I love a good mince pie! And who better to burn off all those calories than cyclists? Fun photos, thanks for sharing them.

Fresca said...

Fun!!! So jolly

Susan Heather said...

It sounds as though you had a fun time. Lovely pics.

Jeanie said...

This looks like a jolly good time!

kjsutcliffe said...

Sounds like a really good evening - you can't go wrong with a mince pie as a prize 😁🥧

Debby said...

That looks like such a fun day! The clothing was fun. I have to ask though. The shirt that reads "You can't even say Merry Christmas anymore". I thought the whole concept of a 'war on Christmas' was an American confabulation. Has it spread to there, as well?

(I feel like I should apologize!)

Tigger's Mum said...

Cyclusts simply have more fun.😎😁