The car has been mended.....but I don't get it back today...the rear calipers fitted, back brakes bled..but the nipples on the front are rusty. Hopefully by lunchtime tomorrow.....
I did two lots of washing last night so as not to waste daylight...the first and half of thr second dried so much overnight on a rack in the kitchen that they didn't need to go out on the line!
Yet more sorting......more rubbish in the wheelie bin for collection tomorrow morning ( landfill goes out once every three weeks).
Yesterday's loaf is a decided time I will increase the proportion of rye flour...I do miss baking, but there are so many other things to do!!
Including a session on the turbo....
I had thought of a ride outside until I cleared the ice off the car before taking it to the garage!
Decorations are up....
That'll do!! 😄
It’s great that your washing dried so quickly. I always say , your heating up the house so you might as well dry your washing too
Ice!! Oof.
Don't overdo it on the decorations. Remember, less is more 🙂 doesn't take long to bring the house up to acceptable warmth in the evening...and it goes off half an hour before bedtime. That plus a dehumidifier in the kitchen with the clothes, job done!!
It is indeed.
Love the dec. The older I get, the less I do. Glad the car is almost done.
Lol, the decoration(s)— perfect!!!
...keep moving forward.
I like your Christmas style!
Ooof, you strained yourself with the decorating there! Too funny. I know i do too much, but I like it. Maybe one day I will cut back, just not yet.
What in the world are the front "nipples"? I can just imagine the mechanics here if I came in and said my nippers were rusty!
When you get to be the only person looking after things it's a lot of extra work. Keep yourself busy.
Love the Christmas decorations. Pleased your latest loaf came out well.
The decorations suffice. We don't bother with them any more.
With rusty nipples, I find that all you need to do is spray a little WD40 on them. That seems to perk them up nicely.
I think that's his plan...but I'll add a comment made via fb by a former blogger ( remember "Grit in the Gears"?)
A decade or two ago my friend was working on his Land Rover and the brake nipples were rusted tight, and he remembered that I had a special spanner that was designed for the job. So he called me and I said I’d go find it and he could come and pick it up. So I called back, and I thought it was his wife who answered, who’d been party to the previous conversation and I said “Can you tell Ken I’ve found the spanner to fit his nipples….” And the line went dead.
A few moments later the phone rang and it was Catherine who could barely talk for laughing, “My mother just slammed the phone down and she said it was some filthy pervert asking about her nipples!”
The nipples are where the brake fluid is bled to remove any air and get the correct pressure
Gz, just remember that every single decoration will have to be taken down and packed away at the end of the season. Do not get carried away with yourself!
Love your holiday plate/wreath! Is this an original GZ plate?
WD-40 to the rescue. I keep the stuff on-hand and it works wonders.
Your bread baking is looking good. A bit of experimentation is worth the time.
Well the nipples stories just keep getting better! Love the platter for decorations for the season with cherries for cheer. Keep on making good loaves...I am such a bread lover!
Yes, a plate from forty years ago.
Ahhh, I know what you mean now. Can't think right off what we call them.
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