Wednesday, 4 December 2024

More skies

 Monday morning the clouds rolled in after a clear start

This next was  after an hour

And this at the front 

I was hoping for a parcel delivery...looks like it would be today, which meant escape for some daylight!!

Berries by the bus stop..still a few left after the fieldfares , redwings , starlings and blackbirds.

A two bus journey to Troon for a special shop..and for some reason I went the other way around the block...and met one of my best friends!!

After the shop, hot chocolate was in order..and in the café the woman serving us used to work (pre covid) in our favourite café in Prestwick!!

Cosmic chuckles all round!!

There happens to be a secondhand bookshop by the bus stop....another Joanne Harris book...and a ceramics book. Do I need more books? !!


JayCee said...

I believe in Serendipity - and -you can never have too many books!

Tom said...

...keep looking up!

Andrea Ingram said...


Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's always great to read new books! You don't have to keep them when you're done.

Barbara Rogers said...

Of course you need more books. You just jiggled the universe of all possibilities in your two (not one but two) cosmic coincidences of meetings!

Susan said...

Happy coincidences are always welcome. You and your best friend just happened to be in the same place at the same time. Lovely.

Amy said...

Secondhand bookshops are so dangerous, I should check out the one here sometime.

northsider said...

A bus ride and a secondhand book shop sounds perfect.

angela said...

You can never have too many books.
I love bumping into people I’ve not seen for ages. It’s like the universe gave me a present

Susan Heather said...

You can never have too many books.

jeanie said...

Never too many books - and look at all of the wonderful things that the universe put into your way today! Blessed :D

Debby said...

Jaycee speaks truth.

Red said...

Ominous clouds rolling in.

Steve Reed said...

Wow, those ARE some special coincidences!