Monday, 13 January 2025

Definitely a good day

 First job this morning was to sort my debit to the bank and I found a very helpful...and senior I think...worker in the bank. We worked out that one problem is that non NZ cards don't do Paywave (love that...better than Contactless!) and even though it is a debit card I have to press Credit, even though it is a debit card! Relief!!

Then down to Mud Ducks for coffee to celebrate!

I was intending to go back and go for a ride...but a message from a friend changed that!

So I waited to be collected by her husband in their car

And spot things whilst waiting!

It was a great get-together and catch up, and gardening talk and lunch....and a lift back to the Stayplace with fresh fruit and veges from their garden plus preserves!

The roads were too busy for a ride, so a good walk around the block...which took an hour with camera stops!! And was definitely hill work!!

Kawa kawa..a very useful plant

Bastia hill water longer with water 

The owner of that green Morris Minor pickup lent it to us for a drive a few years ago!


Bovey Belle said...

It looks like you're in a lovely area and as it's somewhere you and Pirate knew, I hope reliving happy memories.

Fresca said...


Debra She Who Seeks said...

More marvelous photos! And that's the fanciest water tower I've ever seen.

Tom said...

...thanks for showing me around!

smartcat said...

Thanks for a lovely 'walk'. I always enjoy your eye for detail. So glad the card got sorted painlessly!

JayCee said...

A full day. You are making my feet itch and want to revisit NZ again!

kjsutcliffe said...

Lovely post and what on earth is Ouchie Powder and why is it on a van?!?! I am intrigued 😁

Barbara Rogers said...

Such a great walk! Do you know what that wooden construction was with the class circles on the sides? I loved the water tower design too. Your walk was so pretty and definitely hilly!

Granny Sue said...

More great photos. I think the only plant I recognize is the morning glory. I like it that you photograph and visit the less touristy things. Like those gates---beautiful.

Tigger's Mum said...

Wow and wow. (Pictures)
Surprised you haven't previously encountered that debit card thing. Most retailers know that 'press the other buttons trick for foreign cards. Kiwis don't seem to understand the concept of a different card for each account.
Little libraries seem popular here. I saw one outside the WINZ office in Ashburton.

gz said...

Ouchie powder is to deal with Ouchies ..bumps and grazed ♥️

gz said...

It is a fence. Just glass insulators, but wood and glass are apt materials , especially with the Glassworks in Whanganui

gz said...

It's two years since I've been here...and I've never had to use a debit card for purchases before! Plus the young girl serving had had no training and expected customers to know!

Jeanie said...

These are really interesting photos -- even though I don't know what most of them are! Now I'm intrigued!

Susan Heather said...

Lovely photos. I spy a banana passionfruit. They are considered a noxious weed up here but are delicious.

Red said...

Well, it's a good thing you didn't ride as you would not have got all these images.

gz said...

They do smother everything..but yes, delicious!

Catalyst said...

Oh my, what memories you're storing.