Friday, 17 January 2025


 This was Pirate with Izzy...who was mostly Huntaway breed.

She lived with people we stayed with a couple of times, just up the hill from where I am now...they moved to a smaller house, so, we ended up staying here.

This was our visit before walkies that time, she really was an old lady. When we took her for walks we were her Herd...and we had to stay together or she would insist on the one at the front stopping and waiting.. Usually waiting for me and my camera!


JayCee said...

Ah, that's a lovely photo.

northsider said...

What a wonderful photo.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wonderful photo!

Jeanie said...

I love how certain breeds herd us. That's a wonderful image of the two of them.

Fresca said...

Aren’t we beautiful when we’re older? ❤️❤️❤️

Bovey Belle said...

What lovely memories in that photograph gz.

gz said...

Yes. But Pirate had that beauty all his life

Susan said...

Great memories of good times with Pirate and Izzy.

angela said...

A beautiful memory.

Susan Heather said...

Great photo and lovely memories.

English Rider said...

I hate that we lose them but the memories still make us smile

Steve Reed said...

Great photo, and great memories.

Damselfly said...

Wonderful photo!
Continue having a wonderful trip!!!

Debby said...

That is a wonderful picture.