Sunday, 19 January 2025

Whanganui Vintage Weekend, Sunday

 Out on the bike this morning..but no group ride as the others were tired after a training session yesterday.

Nice to get a chat with our coach and a quiet ride back anyway.

After lunch I walked to town..a little footsore as I wore my sandals...I'm too used to walking in trainers!

More music, but no motorboat trip as the queue has been huge..and myself and librarian don't really fancy a packed boat!!

We'll try again tomorrow (it is a public holiday) but I think that they will still be busy. 

Anyway..more live music , on the Riverside this time.

With traction engines in the background giving trips on trailers

And behind us on the river, ducks getting a ride on the tide

Early night tonight...I've already slept for an hour after supper!! All this fresh air!!


Tigger's Mum said...

What a fabulous weekend! Is tomorrow provincial holiday?

Jeanie said...

This sounds wonderful. I'm so glad you are having a terrific time!

Tom said...

...vintage never goes out of style.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

A beautiful, warm summer day and music -- perfect!

Red said...

It must be nice to get outside and experience beautiful summer weather.

Steve Reed said...

I just can't get over how warm and sunny it looks there.

gz said...

I think so

Amy said...

Looks like you're having a great time here, are you going back to live in Scotland or come here?

gz said...

I'm not eligible to move here Amy...over 49, no employment, not exactly a millionaire!!

Fresca said...

Funny it’s a holiday here in the US too—Martin Luther King Day.

Catalyst said...

That video of the hitchhiking ducks is hilarious!

Susan said...

Lots of outdoor events and activities for all to enjoy makes a great day. Music on the riverbank sounds lovely too.

angela said...

The weather looks lovely and I’m sure everyone is having a great time
I do hope you get that ride in the boat

Granny Sue said...

Fun times! Music, friends, sunshine, what's not to love! The tractors are pretty cool too.