Monday, 20 January 2025

Whanganui wandering, Boat trips

  This is the boat we went on this afternoon.

Just up to the railway bridge at Aramoho and back, a half hour trip

With onboard convenience 

They were hoping to have 10,000 customers taking trips over Vintage Weekend...they didn't quite make it, but they did raise their previous record total.

It was a lovely day for it, and the breeze kept us nicely cool.

That's us....

And then a walk back to the Stayplace 


Tom said... skies, so that's what they look like!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Nice sunny day for it!

Granny Sue said...

Nothing like getting out on the water! Pretty cool boat too.

Catalyst said...

Looks like a great boat trip.

angela said...

I always say any day is a good day when your on a boat
I do love it. Looks like a great trip

Debby said...

That carved stone: what a lovely thought, crossing the path to unison. Such gentleness seems so out of place in today's world.

Jeanie said...

I love being on a boat -- and this looks like a wonderful trip!

Susan said...

It looks like a beautiful day to be boating. Your smiles are beaming with happiness.