The man who built the local big house, also planted an arboretum

If you click to enlarge the picture you'll see the large hole at the centre of the bridge- the water was over that during the last big floods, and on both approaches to the bridge there are several tunnels underneath for floodwaters.

The fields around here are "Glebelands", a natural floodplain and therefore very fertile

The large holes in the old riverbank are sand marten nests, the small ones where woodpeckers forage for insects

the local swan family....at a distance!!

Looking towards Abergavenny and the Blorenge mountain.
Sand and gravel excavations

Oxbow lake

the old river bed. In 1959 the river moved about 100 yards Westwards. As the property boundary is the river, one landowner profited!

A baby Giant puffball- which was delicious...and most of which is ready in the freezer!!

Mistletoe ready for celebrations!!