Sunday 3 May 2020

Working on...

Hopefully we will have more dry weather tomorrow, and I will take mid-progress is just too untidy!
Just a photo of a garden visitor for now!


Catalyst said...

We discovered a big Monarch butterfly trapped in our outdoor candleholder last night. We got him out but he flew like a drunken man walks. I guided him to some grasses and left him for the night. He was gone this morning and I hoped he had recovered and flown away. But about 4 this morning I smelled a skunk and quickly closed the window. I fear either he or a wandering cat may have discovered the flutter-by and had him for a snack.

Joanne Noragon said...

How it graces the dandelion.

Bea said...

Your garden friend looks like a Painted Lady. We've a goodly amount of them here fluttering about in the local park.

May you have the dry weather you need for gardening!