Monday 21 September 2020


 The leftover apples from the forage a week or so ago will be canned/bottled or dried...and we aim to get some more of the same!  I am guessing that they could be keepers as well, which means finding some apple trays next time we shop.


Sandy Miller said...

Oh Wow!!! GZ this makes me so happy to read about your apple production!!

Susan Heather said...

great to have those apple trees to forage from.

Joanne Noragon said...

Your setup reminds me of the old days of grape juice and elderberry jelly.

Relatively Retiring said...

Splendid visions of autumn. I like your step-by-step visual instructions. Happy Equinox!

Steve Reed said...

What do you do with the apple paste left behind when the juice is extracted through the cheesecloth? (Isn't that what that is?) Does it have a use?

gz said...

Steve, the apple pulp from the juicer goes to the compost or to the chooks over the road..and we get the eggs!

Fresca said...

Ah, Steve asked my quetion.
Interesting process---gravity at work!

Marksgran said...

Hi, would you be able to do a post on how to make and store the apple juice? I have two apple trees in my garden, one an eating apple and one a cooker. When the children lived at home I used most of the apples for apple crumbles etc but now neither hubby nor I eat many apples and although I give them to neighbours, even they only want so many so I have so many apples going to waste. I'd love to know how to make juice and how long it will keep for? Thanks in anticipation!

Lettice said...

As clear as any urine sample I’ve ever seen. More delicious too!


Zhoen said...

We have a pear tree on city land around the block, it drops fruit all over the sidewalk. I gather windfall for the compost. If I could pulp and juice it like what you have here... but I don't have the set up.

Aimz said...

You're blessed being able to forage there.