Sunday 4 October 2020


It was rather wet last night and this morning. Thankfully not as much as further east .
We grabbed our chance as the weather cleared to go and pick two shopping bags full of apples..and left some for others.. it was good to see that others had been foraging too, as none were in the ground!

Then home, not to juice these, but ones from Hannahston mixed with ones that look like a New Zealand bred apple, Kidd's orange Red.

I think that we will be repeating this blend!!



Joanne Noragon said...

That certainly is pretty!

Lettice said...

As good as any single malt I’d say. Apple porn!


Aimz said...

You've pretty much got apples coming out your ears!

gz said...

Still planning more juicing...stocking up for the year to come

Steve Reed said...

Beautiful juice!