Saturday 11 December 2021

Three things

 I am trying to do three things, or achievements every day, however small.

Now the last batch of apples have been juiced, bottled and processed

Our neighbour comes for a cuppa and put the world to rights, and brings eggs when he can

I have wrangled the computer and printer and got them talking to each other nicely...and the first batch of cards made.

 I have to make cards of lighter card to send bring the stamp cost down to £1.70 from £2.55... the difference going from 20g to 10g!!

It feels like things are gradually moving in the right direction...slowly!

 There is spiced biscuit dough in the fridge, can wait until tomorrow!!


kjsutcliffe said...

They sound like really good three things xx
My three have been - got through another workshop - only three more to do next week then I am done!
My boys are home for the weekend
Learnt to make Swedish paper stars - something I have wanted to do for years x

Susan Heather said...

I know the feeling with getting the weight down for mailing. This year I went for a lighter calendar because the ones I used to send were over 200 gms and classed as a parcel.

Elderberry-Rob said...

Your cards look pretty and I have slight envy for your bottled goodies :)

smartcat said...


Aimz said...

What a nice neighbour, you can't beat fresh eggs (no pun intended) lol

Steve Reed said...

I like the cards! I'm doing the same thing here -- trying to get some small thing(s) done every day.