Saturday 8 July 2023

A find

 I found this wee mug in the local op shop...made by Krystyna Young, née Trzebski (probably should be Trzebska...but not every writer on ceramics would realise that..and I don't know how long she or her family had been in Britain)

She started working in the Brading Pottery on the Isle of Wight in the 1970s, then moved to Haseley Manor, also on the island. They restored the house and she ran the pottery. She died in 2000.

A beautiful piece and I have given it to my brother as a thankyou for looking after us so well this week.

Here in Somerset the weather is giving us light rain showers, but from the Isle of Wight up through the English Midlands and on to Scotland there is a band of heavy rain showers and thunder and lightning. We decided that heading for home tomorrow was the wisest thing to do!

Rest and recovery continues... slowly.


Fresca said...

How wonderful! And how wonderful that you recognized the potter's marks. (Is that what they're called?) We get a lot of handmade pottery donated to the thrift store and some is clearly beautifully well made, but signatures and marks are often indecipherable... (to me).

Barbara Rogers said...

So good that you knew the makers marks. That is a lovely sweet mug. Drive safe!

gz said...

I asked on the studio pottery collectors group on FB.
Then did a bit of searching online.

Joanne Noragon said...

Lovely mug. Well researched.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

If I could make such beautiful pottery I'd write my name in BIG letters on it. I know lots of people of Polish descent who have given up trying to explain to English people why some names end in and some in ..ska.

Elderberry-Rob said...

Good that you are going at a gentle pace and, as you say, soaking up some rest and recovery. The little pot is very pretty. Betty