Monday 17 July 2023

Birthday walk

 Pirate is gradually recovering from his treatment, and we are hopeful for the outcome...but it is early days.

Today was his first proper walk for a month..not too far, down to the mill at Millmannoch to look for the dippers ( none..but plenty of droppings on the rocks in the river) and then back up the hill (with a tailwind, thankfully!)

Friend and myself carried on round to see what fruit might be on the way to forage later in the year..plenty of crabapples and hazelnuts where we went, but few cherries, plums or cooking apples...I will have to check our other apple and pear sources soon.


Catalyst said...

Pirate looks pretty good for a guy who's been through what he's been through recently. I imagine possibly a nap followed that walk, though. It sure would for me!

Susan Heather said...

Happy Birthday Pirate. Good to hear he is starting to do small walks and progressing. Love the fireman card.

Joanne Noragon said...


Debby said...

happy birthday to Pirate!

Aimz said...

It sounds quite positive, hope the progress continues.

Betty said...

Hope results are satisfactory, I Love foraging, everything is late this year I am finding, going to see my brother at month end and explore the foraging opportunities on Dartmoor. Betty

Fresca said...

Stepping out into a new year! If there are lots of uphill climbs, may there be plenty of tailwinds!

Steve Reed said...

I'm sure it feels good to get out and about.

gz said...

Steve it really does feel good..even just when we go for a drive!
Cat yes, a short nap...he has to learn that longer than 20 minutes affects nighttime sleeping. He is a bit tired today, but determined to carry on but not quite so adventurously!

John Going Gently said...

That effort is worth it I’m sure eh?.. xxx

gz said...

JGG the effort is worth he has to learn how much is enough not to flatten himself for the next day, and to be enough to build on. Xx

Jenny Woolf said...

Pirate is doing well. I am convinced that exercise is a good medicine... doesn't prevent all illness but helps resilience. How wonderful to have so much to forage. Here in London there are some good local blackberries but very little else. Though we did see a couple talking a language sounded like Russian collecting young nettles earlier in the year.