Sunday 30 July 2023


 It's been a weekend of wind and heavy showers..and a few bits of sunshine revealed as the clouds scud across the sky.

We had a trip to Mauchline yesterday to see our friends at Nae Sae New...old things and antiques in an old friend four storey feed mill. 

The gear changing had got a bit stiff on the way there...and when it came to leaving I had to be pushed backwards around a corner, so that we could carefully go home...thankfully only just over seven miles. 

Garage first thing Monday...

Today Pirate hasn't been feeling too is odd in a way, his body has decided to be active at night, and in the day he is really tired, unsurprisingly.   The after effects of working shifts for many years, compounded by present problems.

So today I have been concentrating on fleabay....five pairs of pedals, mainly from the 90s, and all but one completely new in their boxes!  I have handlebars to pack and send as well..with any luck listing things more regularly will attract more sales.....

This evening we shared the job if chopping veggies and fruit for a cucumber, onion and apple chutney.

Pirate did the onions..and not one tear..perhaps a useful side effect of having his cataracts operated on?

And now I am listening..and watching..a Promenade Concert from the Albert Hall in London, on BBC4, as the light slips away outside.


Joanne Noragon said...


Susan Heather said...

Hope Pirate begins to feel better soon.

JayCee said...

I hope that both the weather and Pirate improve soon x

Debby said...

Trying to straighten out disturbed sleep patterns wreaks havoc, doesn't it? Pretty mental picture you've painted of you and Pirate working together at the table.

gz said...

Susan so do I..but the fact that it is a long haul is slowly getting through to him. At last!

JayCee oh yes!!

Debby it does...he doesn't like going to bed early and leaving me in the living room...but that gives me an hour and a half during his first sleep session..and no point going the same time as him, when I know he will disturb me..
So I can do my Duolingo, blog, watch interesting TV..why do they put interesting programmes on late?!!
Then I go to bed when he wakes, we do a crossword sometimes..and hopefully sleep...

Red said...

Good that you process produce into some great foods.

Steve Reed said...

We are having very damp weather as well. Are you nearing the end of your supply of stuff to sell on eBay? You must have quite a stash!

Catalyst said...

So sad for the Pirate AND for you.

gz said...

Steve this is now all our late friend's bike stuff...there are three more boxes of stuff, plus wheels and two more frames...and could be more as well.
Then we do our kit...